A complete and reliable service
experience, professionalism and specialized staff
Crane Engineering S.r.l. has been established in 2007 year by skilled and well-trained engineers having 30 year-experience on lifting and handling equipment. The Company supplies engineering, manufacturing, maintenance and after sales services by counting specialized means and skilled personnel. Crane Engineering equipment are designed and realized by taking care to the real working conditions and to relevant specific needs of customers. All equipment are certified according to updated norms and laws in force.
The Company counts a technical department made of skilled and experienced engineers capable to design machineries and equipment by means the most updated informatic systems.
Installation and commissioning
Produced machines' assembly respecting the customer's needs and requests.
The company ensures a prompt and efficient after sales service able to grant the best satisfaction to the customer while solving the problems occurred.
We made periodic maintenance(quarterly/half yearly/annual) and extraordinary maintenance.
Lifing equipment control
Crane Engineering S.r.l. supplies services on additional surveys to lifting equipment "" according to law decree D. Lgs. 81/08, referred to activity done to detect defects or anomalies on' products nell'during its use as well as to establish its residual life in order to ensure its operation in safe working conditions. '